среда, 28 октября 2015 г.

Час сніданку. 6 клас

Тема. Час сніданку.                                                   6th form

Мета: повторити знання лексики теми «Їжа і напої»; вивчити нову лексику до теми уроку, навчати учнів діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою, вдосконалювати техніку читання; продовжувати розвивати навички аудіювання, формувати мовну здогадку; виховувати в учнів бажання спілкуватися іноземною мовою та культуру спілкування у закладах торгівлі.
Обладнання: картки для роботи в групах, малюнки,  діалоги, картки із зображенням продуктів харчування, робочий зошит.
Тип уроку: урок розвитку мовленнєвих навичок
                                              План уроку
І. Організаційний момент
1.Привітання, бесіда з черговим

2. Фонетична гімнастика
T. – What topic are we studding now?
Read all together
[a:] farm, farmer, classroom, tomatoes, car, garden
[ Ʌ ] under, but, drum, onion, cup, plum, cut
[і:] meat, read, eat, clean, beans
[ju:] you, mute, pupil, cube, cucumbe
r[o] not, lot, hot, dog, pot, dot, orange
[e] pen, ten, pencil, pet, vegetable, egg, let, bed, melon
] Dad, cat, hat, pat, apple, cabbage, radish
[ei] grey, plate, table, grapes
[eǝ] hair, dare, wear, there, pear
[o:] tall, all, ball, call, wall, water melon'

3. Мовленнєва гімнастика
- Poem Breakfast in the morning
Dinner in the day
Tea comes after dinner
Then comes time to play.
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.

T. Game “Ask you , ask me
- Do you like bananas?    - Yes, I do. And do you like bananas?
- How often do you have meals ? – I have meals 3 times… 
And how often do you have meals
?- What do you usually eat in the morning? I usually eat.. 
And what do you usually eat in the morning?
What is your favourite dish? My favourite dish is… 
And what is your favourite dish?
- What healthy food do you know? I know milk, fruit. 
What healthy food do you know?

ІІ. Оголошення теми і мети уроку
The topic of our today is “Time for dinner”. At our lesson we have to  remember the words to our topic ”Food and drinks”, we shall play English vocabulary games, do tasks at groups, work at pairs, read text and make dialogues, act out the satiation, write into the workbooks and so on. Do you understand me?

III.Основна частина уроку

1) Повторення лексики теми.
1. Назвати слова(назви продуктів харчування) за таблицею:- Look at the poster and name meals
2.Робота в групах:
- Work in pair1.match the Ukrainian and English word       
 3.Самостійна робота:
Next task you do yourselves1.     mаke up sentences.
4. Виправити вчителя
Listen to me and agree or disagree with me, using
:I agree with you.
You are right.I think so
.I don't agree with you.
 I'm afraid you are wrong. 

People cannot live without food. (+)
Animals can live without food. (-)
Plants can live without water. (—)
Cabbage is a fruit. (-)
Vitamins are not important for people. (-)
Children must eat a lot of sweets every day. (—)
Vegetables and eggs make our bones and teeth strong. (+
)Children must drink coffee every day. (-)
To be healthy and strong people must eat the right food. (+)

2)Подання тексту для читання. Впр. 2 (с. 62).
1) Етап підготовки до читання.
а)      Бесіда
Т: Look at the pictures on page 62 of  your textbook. 
What food can we see here? 
Which food can we have for breakfast/dinner/supper?
Т: Let's read the text and complete the table.
Учні  читають текст і заповнюють таблицю.
Read the text and complete the table.
Read the text and complete the table.
Meals Questions
Lunch (dinner)
Dinner (supper


3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту. Бесіда
Учні відповідають на запитання вчителя за допомогою таблиці.
 Т: What time do people usually have breakfast/lunch (dinner)/dinner (supper)?
What  do people usually have for breakfast/lunch (dinner)/dinner (supper)?
What do you eat for breakfast/lunch (dinner)/dinner (supper)?

4) Finish the sentences :
People have got four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
Breakfast time is between seven and nine o'clock. 
Lunch time is between eleven and twelve o'clock.
Dinner time is between two or four o'clock and supper time is between seven and eight o'clock.
Some people like light breakfast, the others prefer to eat big breakfast.
 They usually eat bread and butter, curds, porridge, eggs, cheese or sausage sandwiches for breakfast.
They drink tea, coffee, milk, juice or cocoa.
 English people drink tea with milk. 
Russian tea is tea with lemon in it.
Dinner is the biggest meal of the day.
 People usually eat a plate of soup, meat or fish and potatoes or spaghetti for dinner.
People have sausages, a pudding or pancakes and a glass of milk for supper.

5) Translate the sentences:
1. Люди мають їжу 4 рази вдень.
2. Час сніданку між 7 і 9 годинами.
3. Обід між 2 і 4 годинами.
4. Люди зазвичай їдять суп чи борщ, м'ясо, рибу, картоплю на обід.
5. англійці зазвичай пють чай з молоком

.6) Work at work-books Ex. 7 p.32. Order the dialogue.
7) Act out a satiation “At the shops
Уявіть, що ви поїхали на екскурсію у зоопарк і дуже зголодніли, тому пішли у кафе.I will be a waiter. You will be customers.
Three pancakes           5.00
with meat        7.00
with cheese      6.00

Eggs, Omelets and Side Orders
Two eggs         1.60
omelet             4.20
Bacon   2.50
Sausage           2.00

Green Tea       1.20
Black Tea        1.00
Coffee 2.00
Milk     1.00

Apple   1.50
Grapefruit       1.50
Orange 2.00
Tomato            1.20

Зразок розмови:
Waiter: Good morning, are you ready to order?
1 boy: Good morning! Well... I think I'll have the pancakes with
meat and a cup of strong coffee
.Waiter: OK. And what about you?
1 girl: green tea?
Waiter: Great. Iced green tea, then, please. Anything more for you
1 boy: I'd like a two-egg omelet and a sausage.
Waiter:  Would you like something to drink?
1 girl: I'd like a glass of tomato juice and tea.
 Waiter: Your order will be ready soon. 

8. Гра «Clap your hands»
- Play gamesIf I name a vegetable — clap once, if I name a fruit — clap 2 times, if I name a beverage — clap 3 times.
Banana (2), cherry (2), juice (3), milk (3), potato (1), mineral water (3), cu­cumber (1), orange (2), grapefruit (2), coffee (3), tomato (1), tea (3).

 9.Finish the sentences
Today on the lesson we…
I liked ….
We studied …

1.Домашнє завдання (впр.3 с.64відповісти на запитання, переказ тексту впр. 2 с.62)

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